The Playlist Designer

An innovative playlist creator that tunes into your musical preferences and lifestyle with sophisticated algorithms.

How does it work?

Generate playlists for free.

As long as the Spotify API remains freely accessible, we are committed to maintaining Spotimaker as a complimentary service. Our pledge is to provide superior playlist generation capabilities, at no cost to you.

Advanced Algorithms

By employing Spotify's Recommendation API, Spotimaker crafts playlists attuned to your musical preferences and lifestyle. This method guarantees the utmost precision in playlist creation.

Machine Learning

Gradually, your curated songs and playlists inform an AI model that discerns your music tastes and lifestyle, leading to highly tailored and precise playlists.

Upcoming Feature

Artifical Intelligence

Leveraging OpenAI's freely available ChatGPT-2 model, Spotimaker beautifully crafts playlists reflecting your unique music preferences and lifestyle.

Upcoming Feature

Upcoming updates

Development on Spotimaker will continue to enhance its capabilities until the completion of three pivotal features. At that point, the developmental phase will conclude, and the application will maintain its state. These defining features include the integration of Machine Learning AI, the implementation of advanced algorithms, and the addition of a song search functionality to further customize playlist creation.

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